A Party of Unprecedented Proportions
When given the good news, Ronan asked Fiona if she would leave with them and become a part of their family. She clasped his hand and said, “That would please me most sincerely. I would like to live in a world where people are kind and love music. I would like to be part of your world, Ronan.”
They arrived at home in time for a fine dinner of meat and potatoes with cider and sweet pies. After dinner, everyone danced and sang, whirling and kicking up their heels.
They discovered a happy Djinn esconsed in their home. His dance that evening was a sight to behold. His very large, new golden earring gleamed as it hung down to his waist.
Balor’s eldest son sang a sad song while the Gleaming One, Balor’s chief emissary, stayed outside, gazing in awe at the full moon.
The Wondersmith slipped out the back door with his happy wife. They danced and sang together under the twinkling stars.
In the morning, the royal party reluctantly said their goodbyes.
The Wondersmith resumed work on his time machine.
Brigit sang her love song as she worked in her sunny kitchen.
Ronan and his new friend Fiona ran together through the meadow.
His faithful dog Conan ran contently beside them, celebrating this happy ending.
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